
Onesie Revamped

It's been a crazy past couple of days. I'm loosing sleep and I'm a little stressed. My body responds to this by annoying me with a constant twitch in both my eyes. It's driving me nuts.

Good news, though! I think I found someone to sell my diaper cakes at their store! They want me to make a boy and girl cake to show. I have a lot of work cut out for me these next couple of days.

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, my cousin is having a baby. I bought some onesies for my baby and got the second pack half off. So, here is a short how-to on how I revamped one of the onesies I will be giving her.

I begin by getting my stencils out and tracing the letters I need onto wonder under. Remember, this needs to be done  backwards so the words come out correctly when ironed on the onesie or shirt you are using.

Once you have traced out what you want, you have to iron on fabric, cut, and peel. The peeling is the tricky part, especially if you have tiny letters like I did. For some, I had to use a needle to remove the paper.

This one was a but easier to peel because the piece was a bit larger

So I know my sister in law is going to roll her eyes at this, but I did the butt ruffles next. I wanted to match the fabric so I got red and pink lace and pinned them together to sew onto the onesie. This part was the hardest for me. It is very difficult to get this type of lace to stay in one place. I ended up sewing it by hand because it kept shifting from where I wanted it placed.

Oh, and I forgot to mention...on the heart piece, I stitched a border around it so it wouldn't look so boring.

Final Product:



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